Innovative Enterprenurship: Pharmacy

A guy, with is fluent English and pure western accent stood up and brought a topic about innovation and entrepreneurship. The idea was deep in my mind since i joined my masters. A beautiful combination of words, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Pharmacy.
In a single phrase, innovative pharma entrepreneur, wha, beautiful . Doesn't it looks beautiful?
Being a Nepali, in such a geopolitical location its time to think with our Nepali jhilkey mind. None of the western education is going give us a proper education. I am always lured by innovation. Either it was for  a venture capitalist, presenting a business strategy, or in APOGEE or during working in earthquake, or contribution to our community library or working for my village by one or other means. Being from a village family i know the value of each penny, though people may call me a mean, i always try to use the resources in minimal investment. That's i consider innovation of a poor country a jhilkey mind.
The same guys asked for the solution of this stagnent condition of pharmacy profession. During my 1 hr travel i was thinking the same.
What are the different areas that are still unexplored?
isn't that a big question?
If i were in very reputed position i would have answered in few words, herbal, community pharmacy, research and development, Pharmacovigiliance , Hospital pharmacy where a pharmacist can get a job.
But technical is it the answer?
Because there are lots of hurdle. Its easy to dream but its difficult to solve the problem. And in our context, its like a big "IMPOSSIBLE". Why?
During my brief study on crude drugs in Nepal and its processing the main hurdle was government. Yeah, Government?
You may ask why should we always blame government?
  Our respectable government is in the position to formulate rules, regulation and guideline and we, Nepalese are lagging behind in this regulation. Its the duty of govt to design regulations which is friendly to its citizen. It should be able to create channel to export our products.
At the instant when i was going to answer, being a simple and average student i felt its not the right way to encourage a enthusiastic student. So i diverted his concern to be innovative in his own way. To practice innovative way from his own small world which will help him to come forward in future in better way.And i was in right tract.
Thanking the unknown guy, here is my answer.
Herbs, Nepal can be one of the larges exporter of herbal medicines. We can cultivate export processed herbal product to europe, america, singapore, japan. They are the largest consumer and they pay well. You need to consider ki, Jasari intestine ko villi le surface area badhako huncha, in similar way our hills and mountains has increased surface area. So start digging the fields, start cultivating the unused slopes.Start searching for market and start motivating yourself.
Pharmacovigillance, Oh, didn't i make mistake in spelling? Ya Even medicine do mistake and this have to be closely monitored and reported to our regulatory body. Each and every details has to be recorded and special care and focus need to be given to those newly licensed molecule (NDAs)  And this is our responsibility. and you are the best suited for this.
Marketing, marketing research, market analysis who does these work? A active guy who is multi tasking but did his/her gradution in non-pharmacy. Isn't that a chance for a pharmacist?
I suggested him to work from his level. I ask him to contact me personally, do share your ideas. If you are really innovative than go ahead.
Research, your innovation can be used in this research too, but never forget ki u are in Nepal and nepal ko Geographical feasibility and equipment availability is the basic criteria. Don't miss to think about funds.
Make circle of energetic guys like u, develop entrepreneurship skills from this vary background. Entrepreneurship is to be developed not learned.Find lacuna, loopholes and gaps where  your idea can germinate. I want to remind you the experience shared by John wood, where a Jumli boy serve John wood a chilled beer without any refrigerator. This is innovative idea of the boy who used river for this innovative idea. So start from today, you can generate employment for pharmacist. I may be your employee in near future. If you need any guidance for innovation and entrepreneurship please do contact me.

By- Kabin Maleku


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