How Collaboration Between Clinicians and Pharmacists can ensure the Quality of Medicines in Nepal?
The quality of medicines plays a crucial role in achieving optimal health outcomes, particularly in countrie…
The quality of medicines plays a crucial role in achieving optimal health outcomes, particularly in countrie…
Emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) also known as 72 hr pills are specifically customized for the safe and…
In the picturesque landscapes of Nepal, where lush mountains meet vibrant communities, a silent revolution …
A Pharmacy graduating students should include following area during their internship program. Introduction…
Reading and interpreting prescriptions is an important task for pharmacists, as it is essential to ensure t…
Pharmacy is a vital part of healthcare ecosystem. The pharmacist or pharmacy staffs should repond their custo…
Antibiotic stewardship is the responsible use of antibiotics to preserve their effectiveness and reduce…
Pharmacovigilance is the process of monitoring the safety of medications once they are on the market. It is…
The disposal of expired medicine is an important responsibility for community pharmacies. Expired medicatio…
There are several steps that pharmacists should follow when handling drugs in a community pharmacy: 1. …
Here is a list of operational documents that may be necessary for a community pharmacy: Pharmacy License: A…
Good pharmacy practice is essential for ensuring the safe and effective use of medications, and it plays a …
'मेडिसिन ईज अ सेफ पोइजन' अर्थात् औषधी एक सुरक्षित विष हो । औषधीको सन्दर्भमा प्रचलित यो भनाई असत्य ह…
Can you find any differences on two below brands except the rate of the product ? Nilocon and Sunaulogulaf …
Heavy Metals Introduction Heavy metal are naturally occurring elements that have a high atomic weight …