Heavy Metal Poisoning and Management

Heavy Metals
Heavy metal are naturally occurring elements that have a high atomic weight and density. Heavy metal like   arsenic , lead ,mercury, iron, zinc etc. are all around us. They are in the ground we walk, in water we drink and in the product we use everyday.
Heavy Metals Poisoning
Poisoning is condition caused by introduction to harmful substance or chemical into the body either by injection, inhalation and ingestion. Consume excess amount of heavy metal can cause heavy metal poisoning. Not all of these metal are bad for health , we need small amount of them to keep body healthy.
Risk factor
ü  If we eat or drink something trained with heavy metals.
ü   if we breath in contaminated dust or fumes.
ü   Work in  Factory that uses heavy metal.
ü   Eat fish caught in area with heavy metals in them.
ü  Use herbal medicines that have  heavy metals in them.
ü  Breath in old lead paint dust when you fix up your home.
Types of heavy metal poisoning
v  Acute poisoning
v  Chronic poisoning
Acute poisoning
This happens if you get a high dose at one time, like in a chemical accident in a factory or after child swallows a toy made with lead.
General symptoms of acute poisoning
Abdominal pain
Shortness of breath

Chronic poisoning
This happens after contact with a low dose over a long time. As the metal builds up in your body, you can get sick.
Symptoms of chronic poisoning
Ø  Headache
Ø  weakness & tiredness
Ø  Pain joints and muscles.
Ø  Constipation
Specific Heavy metal Poisoning
Mercury poisoning
Mercury salts are very toxic to human being, if swallowed out of all salts. Mercury salts which are volatile and potential hazards. Mercury in vapours state are very toxic of mercury vapour inhaled. It goes through blood system, digestive system, lungs and then to brain.
Ø  Muscles weakness
Ø  Hearing and speech difficulties
Ø  Vision changed trouble walking
Arsenic poisoning
Arsenic poisoning has been called the king of poison. Arsenic in metal form is not poisonous. When metal arsenic is exposed to air, it becomes toxic. Organic compounds of arsenic is less toxic as compare to inorganic salts.
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Red or swollen skin
  • Unusual heart rhythm.
Lead poisoning
It occurs when lead builds up in the body often over months or years. Even small amount of lead can cause serious health problems. Lead based paint and lead contaminated dust older building are the most common sources of lead poisoning in children.
ü  Anemia
ü  Increase blood pressure
ü  Fatigue
ü  Memory loss  headache

History and  general physical examination
Routine  blood test
Urine test
v  If you work with heavy metals, always wear mask or other safely equipment.
v  Check labels on products for heavy metals.
First aid management
ž  Look at the victim’s condition by checking his pulse and respiration.
ž  Try to find out the type of poison, amount and time if the victim is conscious.
ž  If there are empty bottles and wrapper of medicine, keep them foe examination.
ž  If the person vomits, clear the airway, wrap a cloth around your fingers before cleaning out the mouth and throat. Save the vomit as  it may help the expert identity medicine can be used to help reverse poisoning.
ž  If the victim has exposed to poisonous fumes, such as carbonmonoxy  get him or her into fresh air immediately. Open windows and door.
ž  If the victim is unconscious:
ž  Do not induce vomiting
ž  Make the victim lie on his back on a flat hard surface and turn to one side.
ž  Take victim into the fresh air
ž  Maintain airway breathing, start resuscitation.
ž  Seek medical help as soon as possible.

Common antidote
  • Lead poisoning can be treated by calcium disodium edatate
  • Murcury/gold/arsenis       poisoning can be treated by       dimercaprol
  • Iron         poisoning can be treated by    deferoxamine
  • Copper        poisoning can be treated by     penicillamine
  • Cyanide       poisoning can be treated by      sodium nitrate/ sodium                               thiosulphate
By: Alina karki
Gyanu Magar
Sommaya Tamang
Sabita Parajuli
 (Karnali College of  Health Sciences)

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