Proper Handling of Drugs by Pharmacist


There are several steps that pharmacists should follow when handling drugs in a community pharmacy:

1.      Check the expiration date: Drugs should not be used if they are past the expiration date.


2.      Check the storage conditions: Different drugs have different storage requirements. For example, some drugs need to be stored in the refrigerator, while others should be stored at room temperature. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for storing each drug.


3.      Check the condition of the drug: The drug should be in good condition, with no visible signs of damage or deterioration. If the drug appears to be damaged or degraded in any way, it should not be used.


4.      Check the label: The label should include the name of the drug, the strength, the expiration date, and the storage conditions.


5.      Dispense the drug according to the prescription: The pharmacist should verify the prescription and ensure that the correct drug is being dispensed. The pharmacist should also provide the patient with instructions on how to properly store and use the drug.


6.      Document the dispensing of the drug: The pharmacist should document the dispensing of the drug in the patient's medication record and in the pharmacy's controlled substance record, if applicable.


7.      Follow proper handling and disposal procedures: Pharmacists should follow proper handling and disposal procedures for drugs, including wearing gloves when handling hazardous drugs and disposing of drugs in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.


Overall, proper handling of drugs is essential to ensure their safety and effectiveness. Pharmacists and pharmacy staff should follow these steps to ensure that drugs are stored, dispensed, and handled safely in a community pharmacy setting.

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