Viagra: 11 Interesting Facts That You Can't Help but Be Amazed

Viagra – A Lifesaver for Premature Babies

Currently trials are underway to see if Viagra can boost survival in babies that are not growing properly in the womb. It is hoped that Viagra will increase blood supply to the womb and placenta so that more nutrients and oxygen reach the baby. This helps it to continue growing in the womb, avoiding the health problems that result from premature birth.

Viagra Is One of the Most Counterfeited Drugs in the World

The demand for Viagra is very high because a lot of people want to try it out, but not everyone is prepared to pay full price. This presents an excellent opportunity for generic drug manufacturers to launch fake versions of Viagra and sell them cheaply. Make sure you get your Viagra through the correct channels and from a reputable source so that you don’t end up with counterfeit Viagra.

Viagra Makes Flowers Stand up Straight

It appears Viagra is good not only for treating male impotence. Israeli and Australian researchers have discovered that small concentrations of the drug dissolved in a vase of water can also double the shelf life of cut flowers, making them stand up straight for as long as a week beyond their natural life span.

Viagra for Jet Lag – Really?

 Tests on lab hamsters showed that Viagra may help people overcome jet lag faster. The study showed that Viagra helped the hamsters reset circadian rhythms faster (sleep - wake cycle) measuring their recovery by how quickly they hopped back onto their exercise wheels. It is important to note that the drug only worked in conjunction with light therapy, and only in one time direction - the equivalent to flying eastbound.

Viagra for Increasing Athletic Performance

Athletes have been documented using Viagra believing it to enhance their performance. There is no evidence to suggest this is the case but that doesn't seem to stop them from trying Viagra. There is also no evidence to support the idea that Viagra and anabolic steroids, when taken together, enhance or accelerate steroid delivery.

Viagra Is Helping to Save Endangered Species

 The discovery of Viagra and its wondrous ability to cure erectile dysfunction is saving endangered species as many men switch from using animal parts to treat the condition. In places like China, Viagra is replacing traditional medicines including potions made from rhino horn, tiger bones, seal penises and reindeer antler velvet which is good news for these animals.

Viagra – CIA’s Weapon against Taliban

In the war in Afghanistan, CIA agents would exchange Viagra for information about the Taliban with tribal chiefs. These ageing warlords often had much younger wives or more than one wife to satisfy.

Viagra Is Not a Sex Stimulant

 Many people think that Viagra is an aphrodisiac or a sex stimulant. When a person has problems with libido Viagra will not help. It helps to improve blood circulation to the penis. It does not increase sexual urge.

Viagra for Woman?

Studies are ongoing on to see whether Viagra can play a role in improving the sex lives of women. No conclusive results have been obtained so far and therefore it is not recommended to be used by women.

Viagra - A Treatment for Prostate Cancer

 A group of researchers from Virginia Commonwealth University have found that Viagra can be useful in the treatment of prostate cancer when used in combination with doxorubicin. The drug combination has also been found useful in the treatment of ovarian and stomach cancer.

Viagra - A Treatment for Pulmonary Hypertension and Mountain Sickness

Pulmonary Hypertension is a medical condition associated with high blood pressure in the blood vessels going to the lungs. Sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra, lowers the pulmonary pressure and has been approved by the FDA for both men and women for this non-sexual purpose (under the trade name Revatio). Viagra may also be useful in treating mountain sickness because it lowers pulmonary pressure and enables a climber to exercise in low oxygen conditions or at high altitude.

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