Sample question for Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry

Group A (1X10)
a.       Explain the acid base balance in human body physiology. Write in short about electrolyte therapy. Explain in detail about ORS
b.      What is buffer. Explain mechanism of buffer action with few examples. Give the roles of buffer in pharmacy.  Explain acid base balance in body physiology

Group B (5 x2)
a.       Explain the importance of Limit test and give the limit test for Iron
b.      What are the different types of water purification procedure? Explain in short about ion exchange method of water purification.
c.       What are antacids? Classify them. Write a monograph of any non-systemic antacid.

Group C (2 X 5)
a.       Give the monograph of Boric acid
b.      Give the assay of Magnesium sulphate
c.       What are the uses of protectives and adsorbents as gastro intestinal agents and how do they work?
d.       Write the one function of each electrolyte:
1.       Sodium
2.       Potassium
3.       Magnesium
4.       Chloride
e.      Write the composition of ringers lactate solution and use

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