Current status of Medicines in Nepal

The Ministry of Health and Population started a help desk to cope out with the current situation of medicine shortage.

Though the APPON has assured that there is no as such shortage, but the medicines which the APPON has assured for those which are prepared from Nepal. The truth is those patented medicines which are produced from Big Pharma giants (MNCs) and specially those injectables are in real shortage.

Though  media has published the toll free number 1660-1-33444 as the desk which can give you medicine. But in reality, the help desk is to assist the customer or the consumer by coordinating the vendors, distributors and NCDA. 
This help desk to created under the health crisis management team, and formed to listen the complaints regarding the shortage of medicines and medical supplies and if possible suggest the nearest Pharmacy where the particular medicines are available.

Similarly, Bibeksheel Nepali Party is working in same direction but little bit ahead of Ministry. They have at least collected the data and made the database to coordinate among those pharmacy shops all around the Kathmandu. They still trying to figure out the current demand and the inventory present in the local store. Below is the links to get the contacts details and fill the form for those  medicines which are in need. 
During the conversation with Marketing personnel from some Pharma gaints of Nepal, they assured that the domestic industry can supply the medicinal need for few months and they are ready to coordinate with any teams to cope out the current medicines status.
NCDA is trying to cope out with this problem by airlifting. Some of the essentials medicines has been airlifted from Hyderabad which includes, insulin, Antidiabetics, Anti hypertensives.

NRN too is trying to help the government. NRN president Shes Ghale donated the meds cost of 38 lakhs to MoHP and assured to bring some more essential meds from China and Bangladesh via airlifting. 

Some of the chemist and druggist has blamed that this situation is partially created by the some of the member in the distribution channel of the medicines.
Whatever is the situation if not solved as earliest as possible it will create a havoc condition all over the country for sure.

Important Links

Health ministry contact

1. 1660-1-33444

2. 01-4250845

Bibeksheel Nepali

1. 9851 149214

Check the link below: 

Contact Links of pharmacy around the country

Enter the details of Pharmacy

If you need medicine

By:- Kabin Maleku

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