New Draft Guidance on Elemental Impurities and its significance

As per the ICH Q3D – Guideline for Elemental Impurities, USFDA is preparing to make this guidance effective for any products. Elemental impurities are  metal traces  that can end up in finished drug products. These impurities can come from multiple points in the manufacturing process, such as residual catalysts from a product's synthesis or from contact with manufacturing equipment, containers and other materials.
Such elemental impurities or metals traces may come into final product either during manufacturing process or from the raw materials/  input material. 
FDA is going to make this guidance effective from 2018.Any NDA or ANDA should now contains Elemental impurities details and justification. Based on the risk assessment on process and product specific input materials the elemental impurities document need to be submitted.
As per ICH guideline Q3D, the elemental impurities are classified and as per the classification and the type of metals respective limits are presented. The final product should not contain above the 30% of per daily exposure.
During product filing process, the manufacturer has to justify that the process don't use any heavy metal catalyst or if its used the metal presence has to be quantified. As the pharmaceutical manufacturing is generally done using Stainless steel so, there is less chance of elemental impurities to go into the finla product.
Similarly, the manufacturer has to justify that the raw materials used in the products is below the limit and the final product is also below the limit of 30% PDE as given in the guideline.

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