Antimicrobial Resistance microbes and Nepal

Two years back , we found that Department of Drug administration had approved some of the fluoroquinolone antimicrobial drugs, which was actually was withdrawn from Regulated countries.
We haven’t received any steps taken from regulatory side inspite of the issue raised to them.
In last two weeks , our team tried to aware the Pharma aspirants and general public about the Antibiotic resistant microbes and our team member, Bimal who is himself is a researcher in same, tried to convince general public regarding the antibiotic resistance , but due to lack of promptness and lack of updation DDA haven't controlled those medication which are responsible for Antibiotic resistance.
There may be another justification, that there no any evidence of antibiotic resistance , but point is, have any risk assessment done to evaluate it?
Following are some of the photos taken from the Nepali market which contain the antibiotics which are withdrawn from Regulated countries.

These are some of those veterinary medication which has already been banned in some of the regulatory countries but in Nepal it is still existing.
Enrofloxacin, which is a fluoroquinolone, still in use. Nepali farmers who are unaware about the ille effect of such antibiotics are still using such drugs which can have a ill-effect on human health.
We never know what impact has been done so far, but i haven't found any assessment done from the regulatory and manufacturing authorities.
This screenshot was taken in 2015 which shows the legal document that US FDA has published for this particular molecule.
We want to thank our teams from different part of Nepal who helped us in collecting those photos.
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